Form_WO4.IM_Recommend=Recommend Program to a Friend
Form_WO4.IM_Homepage=Ashampoo Website
Form_WO4.IM_Products=Ashampoo Products
Form_WO4.IM_Support=Ashampoo Support
Form_WO4.IM_offer=Today's Special Offer
Form_WO4.IM_Newsletter=View Service Letter Offers
Form_WO4.IM_MyArea=My Ashampoo
Form_WO4.IM_Update=Online Update
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_BETAVERSION=This feature is not available in the beta version...
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NEEDAPPRESTART=You must restart the program to apply the changes.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_SAMEKEY=The code you entered is the same as the current code. Please enter a different code.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_WRONGCODE=Invalid code! Please enter a valid code!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_NOTRIALAGAIN=You cannot enter another trial version code. Please enter a full version code!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_BUYED=Valid code! Thank you for purchasing the full version of the program!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_TRIALKEYOK=Valid trial code! Thank you for trying the program!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_UNREGISTERED=You are using the unregistered 10-day trial version of the program.<br><br>You have <b>%DAYSLEFT% more day(s)</b> until this trial version expires.<br>If you register you can test the program for another 30 days free of charge.<br><br>To buy the full version now just click on the <b>Buy Now</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_FULLKEYEDITION=You are using the unregistered 10-day trial version of the program.<br><br>You have <b>%DAYSLEFT% more day(s)</b> until this trial version expires.<br><br>To get the full version now just click on the <b>"Get Full Version"</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_REGISTERED=You are using the registered trial version of the program.<br><br>You have <b>%DAYSLEFT% more day(s)</b> until this trial version expires. <br>After this you will no longer be able to use the program.<br><br>To buy the full version now just click on the <b>Buy Now</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_EXPIRED10=Sorry, the 10-day trial version of the program has now expired!<br><br>You have tested the full functionality of the program for 10 days.<br><br>To obtain a free registration code to extend the trial by 30 days click on <br><b>Get Free 30-day Trial Version</b>. To buy the full version now just click <br>on the <b>Buy Now</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_EXPIRED30=Sorry, the free trial version of the program has now expired!<br><br>You have now tested the full functionality of the program for 30 days.<br><br>If you want to buy the full version now just click on the <b>"Buy Now"</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_EXPIREDFULLKEYEDITION=Sorry, the 10-day trial version of the program has now expired!<br><br>You have tested the full functionality of the program for 10 days.<br><br>To get the full version now just click on the <b>"Get Full Version"</b> button.
Form_Shareware.Button_test=Continue trial...
Form_Shareware.Button_Code=Enter Code
Form_Shareware.Button_Check=Check Code
Form_Shareware.Button_30days=Get Free 30-day Trial Version
Form_Shareware.Button_Buy=Buy Now
Form_Shareware.Button_FullKey=Get Full Version
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_XPONLY=Sorry, this module is only supported in Windows® XP!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_NOTYOUROS=Sorry, this module is not supported in your version of Windows®.
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_ST.HTMLabel1=This module displays programs that are started automatically with Windows® and allows you <br>to edit the entries. Many autostart programs are useful applications like virus scanners and<br>firewalls so please always check before you disable them!
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel1=Scanning your system to collect information on all components...<br>This can take up to 30 seconds depending on the speed of your computer. Please be patient.
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DriversFIX=Number of driver files:
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel2=Information on the driver files installed on your system.
Form_WO4_SI.GroupBox_PageFile=Swap File
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DRAM_Speed=Access speed:
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DRAM_Typ=RAM type:
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DRAM_Module=Installed modules:
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DRAM_AnzahlMAX=Maximum modules:
Form_WO4_SI.GroupBox_RAM=Memory (RAM)
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel15=Information on your computer's memory and swap file.
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel3=This section shows all the installed programs listed in the Windows® Control Panel.<br>You can make changes to this list with the StartUp Tuner module.
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel13=Information on your installed Windows® operating system.
Form_WO4_SI.Label35=Bytes / Sector:
Form_WO4_SI.Label33=Tracks / Cylinder:
Form_WO4_SI.Label34=Sectors / Track:
Form_WO4_SI.Label26=Serial number:
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel12=To display more information on a drive click on its name or one of its partitions in the list below. <br>For more information on the individual partitions select the Logical Drives section on the left.
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel11=Information on your IDE hard drives.
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DLaufwerke_SN=Serial number:
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DriveFC=Free clusters:
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DriveTC=Total clusters:
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DLaufwerke_Komprimiert=Drive is compressed
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel10=Information on the logical drives installed in your system.
Form_WO4_SI.Label_USBConnectedFIX=Connected USB devices:
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel9=Information on installed and connected USB hosts, hubs and devices.
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel8=The following list shows all your installed network adapters, protocols, services and so on.<br>This information can help experienced users to identify network problems.
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel7=Information on your system's network components.
Form_WO4_SI.Label_GFX_Modes=Current graphics cards and monitors support up to 50 different resolutions. Click<br>on Details on the right to display a list of the possible resolutions. Please note<br>that not all resolutions are supported by Windows®.
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel5=Information on your graphics card and monitor.
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DOnboard=On-board devices:
Form_WO4_SI.Label_DMainboard_SN=Serial number:
Form_WO4_SI.UniHTMLabel4=Information on the components on your computer's mainboard.
Form_WO4_SI.Label_CPU_Features=Your processors supports a total of %1 features. Click on the Details button on the right<br>to display a list of the features supported by your processor. This information is <br>usually only meaningful for technicians and computer experts.
Form_WO4_Options.HTMLabel5=Service Channels with product information and news can be displayed when WinOptimizer starts.<br>Please click on "Settings" for additional options.
Form_WO4_Options.TntGroupBox2=Service Channel
Form_WO4_Options.HTMLabel4=Choose a password and enter it in both entry fields. Then click on "Set" to store it.<br>To remove your current password enter the password in both fields and click on "Remove".<br>Password length: Your password must be at least 6 characters long.
Form_WO4_Options.TntLabel2=Enter password again to confirm:
Form_WO4_Options.TntLabel1=Enter Password:
Form_WO4_Options.HTMLabel1=When additional "skins" are available for the program you can select them here. <br>Choosing a different skin changes the appearance of the whole program.
Form_WO4_Options.HTMLabel3=You can enter an access password here to prevent unauthorized people from using this program. If you do this you must enter the password every time you start the program.<br>Caution: Make a careful note of your password! It remains enabled permanently, even if you reinstall the program!
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel9=Maximum connections on HTTP 1.1:
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel8=Maximum connections on HTTP 1.0:
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel7=Every website is transferred using the HTTP standard, which only allows a certain number of <br>simultaneous connections to the same server (default number depends on version). DSL and other <br>broadband connections can often handle more connections, enabling you to perform more than 2 or <br>4 simultaneous downloads from the same website.
Form_WO4_IT.TntGroupBox3=HTTP connections
Form_WO4_IT.Label_Zurueck2=<< Back
Form_WO4_IT.Label_Weiter3=Next >>
Form_WO4_IT.CheckBox_Tcp1323Opts=Allow RWIN values higher than 64KB
Form_WO4_IT.RadioButton_RWIN1=Let Windows® control RWIN
Form_WO4_IT.Label_Zurueck1=<< Back
Form_WO4_IT.Label_Weiter2=Next >>
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel1=This parameter sets the number of bytes that a server can send before it expects an <br>acknowledgement. The standard Windows® value is 8192, but four times the MSS <br>value (MSS*4) has proved to be ideal for most dial-up connections. However, the <br>value required may be different for some connections!<br><br><b>IMPORTANT:</b> RWIN should always be an even multiple of the MSS value!
Form_WO4_IT.CheckBox_PMTUDiscovery=Use "MTU Auto Discovery" (server and client will try to negotiate MTU)
Form_WO4_IT.CheckBox_PMTU_BlackHole=Enable PMTU "Black Hole Detection" (see Help for more information)
Form_WO4_IT.RadioButton_MTU2=Set MTU manually
Form_WO4_IT.RadioButton_MTU1=Let Windows® control MTU
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel4=Bytes (Range: 68 - 3000)
Form_WO4_IT.Label_Weiter1=Next >>
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel2=The MaxMTU value controls the size of your data packets. Generally, the higher your <br>bandwidth the higher your MaxMTU should be. The MSS value, which is important <br>for RWIN (see Tab "RWIN"), is calculated automatically as MaxMTU - 40.
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel12=<b>Warning:</b><br>Do <u>NOT</u> change any of these settings if your system is used as a server!<br>This tool is designed for experienced users - please use with caution!
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_IT.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Reset=Reset to Windows® default
Form_WO4_IT.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Manuell=Edit protocol manually (only for advanced users)
Form_WO4_IP.Label_OFF=Windows® messaging service disabled
Form_WO4_IP.Label_ON=Windows® messaging service enabled
Form_WO4_IP.Label_Unavailable=Windows® messaging service is not installed!
Form_WO4_IP.TntGroupBox2=Messaging service:
Form_WO4_IP.Label_Zurueck1=<< Back
Form_WO4_IP.Label_Weiter1=Next >>
Form_WO4_IP.UniHTMLabel1=A growing number of Internet users are complaining about a new kind of popup advertising windows <br>that suddenly appear on their screens. This new kind of spam, known as “IP spam” or “net spam”, <br>is generated through the internal Windows® messaging service, which is actually a tool provided <br>to enable network administrators to send messages to multiple users via the network.(It shouldn’t <br> be confused with the Windows® Messenger instant messaging program, which is completely different.) <br><br>Advertisers are now increasingly abusing this service by sending messages to large blocks of random IP <br>addresses via the Internet. If you are online with an IP address that happens to be included in the block <br>the message will suddenly appear on your screen if the Windows® messaging service is enabled on your <br>computer.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel8=Cookies are small text files that Internet sites save on your computer. They are often used to save <br>information like settings and passwords so that you don't have to enter them again the next time <br>you visit. More information you see on the "Cookies" tab.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel6=Surfing on the Internet creates several different kinds of files and entries on your computer. <br>Some of these, particularly the temporary Internet files (browser cache) can always be <br>deleted safely.<br><br>Others have "convenience" functions that you may lose if you delete them. For example, <br>if you delete the browser history the browser's auto-complete function will lose its "memory".
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel3=Deleting selected items now. This process may take some time if there are many items - <br>please be patient. You can cancel the process at any time.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Details=Show Details
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel10=Internet data was found on your computer which can be deleted now.<br>Select Details for more information and to select or de-select the items.<br>Click on "Next" to delete the selected items.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel2=Now scanning for selected Internet data types. This can take a couple of minutes on large <br>hard drives - please be patient. You can cancel the process at any time.
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Verlauf=Delete Windows® History
Form_WO4_FW.RadioButton_FWMethode3=Gutmann-Method (35 overwrite passes; impossible to recover, very slow)
Form_WO4_FW.RadioButton_FWMethode2=Military Standard "DoD 5220.22-M" (7 overwrite passes; very secure, very slow)
Form_WO4_FW.RadioButton_FWMethode1=Standard (3 overwrite passes; quite a lot more secure and only takes a little longer)
Form_WO4_FW.TntGroupBox1=Wiping Method
Form_WO4_FW.CheckBox_FWRename=Rename files and folders before wiping (recommended)
Form_WO4_FW.CheckBox_FWRemoveEmtpyFolders=Delete empty folders after wiping
Form_WO4_FW.CheckBox_FWTestmode=Test mode (names of wiped files and folders remain visible in Windows Explorer)
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Options=Edit options
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Recycle=Wipe recycle bin
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Folder=Wipe folders
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Files=Wipe files
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_FSJ.UniHTMLabel2=Please select the file that you want to split into smaller files:
Form_WO4_FSJ.RadioButton_SplitDISK=Floppy disk (1.44 MB)
Form_WO4_FSJ.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Split=Split a file
Form_WO4_FSJ.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_FSJ.HTMLabel1=This module enables you to split large files into two or more smaller files. Later you can use the <br>Joiner function to reassemble the original large file from the set of split files. There are many <br>uses for this function. For example, you can use it to split files that are too big to fit on a CD <br>so that you can store them on two or more CDs. Or you can split large files you want to send <br>as email attachments (many email providers impose limits on the maximum size of email <br>attachments).
Form_WO4_FED.TntLabel2=Repeat password:
Form_WO4_FED.CheckBox_CreateEXE=Create an auto-decrypting EXE file (the graphical user interface will be in English)
Form_WO4_FED.CheckBox_DeleteOrginal=Delete original file after successful encryption
Form_WO4_FED.UniHTMLabel2=Please choose the file you want to encrypt:
Form_WO4_FED.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_DEFRAG.Button_Pause=Pause / Resume
Form_WO4_DEFRAG.Label112=Moved Clusters:
Form_WO4_DEFRAG.Label111=Defragmented files:
Form_WO4_DEFRAG.UniHTMLabel1=The selected drive is now being defragmented. This can take a while - please be patient.<br>You can interrupt or stop the process at any time. You can also stop Defrag, do some <br>work and then start it again whenever you like.
Form_WO4_DEFRAG.Label1=Select the drive you want to defragment:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_AUTO3=DSL (via LAN cable) / Cable modem
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_NOPLUGINSELECTED=Please select a plugin from the list.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_CLIPSRV=Enables the Windows® Clipboard to exchange data with remote computers. Completely useless for 99% of all users.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_WMDMPMSP=Reads the serial numbers of all portable media players connected to your computer. Almost always useless unless you use copy-protected media files on mobile player devices.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_ERSVC=Used by the Windows® Error Reporting service, which almost nobody wants to use. Disable if you don't want to use this "feature" to send error reports to Microsoft.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_HELPSVC=Enables the Help and Support Center on your computer. Experienced users who don't need help with using Windows® can turn this service off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_BITS=Transfers files in the background using idle network bandwidth. Useless for 99% of all users.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_WZCSV=Automatic configuration service for 802.11 adapters (Wireless LAN and Infrared).%CRLFCaution: Don't disable this if you use wireless LAN! If you don't have WLAN you can turn it off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_MESSENGER=Transmits Net Send and Alerter messages between clients and servers. Often used to display advertising messages on the desktop via the Internet. This service has nothing to do with Windows® Messenger. If you don't use it on your own network you can turn it off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_MNMSRVC=Enables authorized users to access your computer remotely via a corporate intranet using NetMeeting. Useless for 99% of all users and also a potential security hazard!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_RSVP=Tries to speed up network connections by providing network signaling and local traffic control setup functionality for QoS (Quality of Service)-aware programs. Often makes connections slower instead of faster.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_REMOTEREGISTRY=Enables remote users to change the Windows® Registry settings on your computer. Useless for 99% of all users and also a potential security hazard!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_RDSESSMGR=Manages and controls Remote Assistance. This service is also a potential security hazard and if you don't want to use remote desktop assistance (which) you should disable it.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_SSDPSRV=Enables the discovery of UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) devices on home networks. If you don't want this or aren't connected to a network you can stop this service.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_SENS=Tracks system events like Windows® logon and network and power supply events. In 99% of all cases this is only needed in administered or corporate networks.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_SCHEDULE=Enables you to configure and schedule automated tasks on your computer. You can disable this service if you don't use the task scheduler.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_TLNTSVR=Enables remote users to log onto your computers and run programs. Useless for 99% of all users and also a potentially serious security hazard!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_TERMSERVICE=Allows multiple users to establish interactive connections to your computer and display your desktop and applications on remote computers. Required for Remote Desktop, Fast User Switching, Remote Assistance and Terminal Server.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_UPS=Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) if one is connected to your computer. If you're like 99% of all users and don't have one of these you can turn this service off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_ALERTER=Notifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts. Completely useless for 99% of all users.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_W32TIME=Maintains date and time synchronization on all clients and servers in the network. If you disable this service you cannot synchronize your date and time with an Internet time server!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUN=Registry - All Users, "Run" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUNONCE=Registry - All Users, "Run Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUNSERVICES=Registry - All Users, "Run Services" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUNSERVICESONCE=Registry - All Users, "Run Services Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUN=Registry - Current User, "Run" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUNONCE=Registry - Current User, "Run Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUNSERVICES=Registry - Current User, "Run Services" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUNSERVICESONCE=Registry - Current User, "Run Services Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_NOBACKUPSELECTED=Please select a backup from the list!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_REALLYDELETEBACKUP=Are you sure that you want to delete the selected backup file?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_UNINSTALLDELETE=Are you sure that you want to delete the %CRLF%1 %CRLFsoftware entry?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_UNINSTALLEDIT=Are you sure that you want to edit the %CRLF%1 %CRLFsoftware entry? This will replace the command line entry.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AUTOSTARTDELETE=Are you sure that you want to delete the %CRLF%1 %CRLFsoftware entry?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AUTOSTARTEDIT=Are you sure that you want to edit the %CRLF%1 %CRLFautostart entry? This will replace the command line entry.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AUTOSTARTEDIT_UNCHANGED=You did not change the command line.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_PM=Displays details of running processes
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_SB=Measure and compare system performance
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_OPTIONS_PASSBOTH=Please enter the password in both input fields.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_OPTIONS_SURETORESETOPTIONS=Are you sure that you want to reset the settings?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_AUTONOTHINGSELECTED=Please select a type of connection from the list...
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_RESET_SURE=Are you sure that you want to reset your adapter settings to the Windows® defaults?%CRLFThis can correct problems with network and Internet settings.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_NOFOLDER=Please select a valid directory!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_DRIVESELECTED=You have selected a drive. Are you sure that you want to wipe entire contents of the drive?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_REALLYDELETE=Are you sure that you want to delete the selected %1 objects permanently?%CRLFThis process can not be undone, all selected files will be deleted forever!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_EMPTYRECYCLEBIN=The recycle bin is empty, nothing to delete!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_NOFILES=Please select at least one file for wiping.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_SPLITNOFILE=Please select the file you want to split into smaller files. Enter the full path.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_SPLITFILEEXISTS=The selected file does not exist! Please select a different one.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_SPLITSIZEZERO=The size of the selected file seems to be 0 bytes or the file is protected!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_SPLITFILETOSMALL=The selected file is already smaller than the maximum size.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_SPLITFILEERROR=Cannot open selected file. File may be in use by the system or another program.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_SPLITNEWFILEERROR=Could not reassemble original file: %1! Possible causes: Not enough disk space available or original file exists and is write-protected.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_SPLITSUCCESS=Splitting and generation of smaller output files completed successfully! The original file has not been deleted.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_JOIN_INFOBOXNOFILE=Selected file is not part of a split files set!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_JOIN_INFOBOXINFO=File name: %1%CRLFSplit into %2 files%CRLFOriginal size: %3
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_JOIN_FILEEXISTS=File already exists! Overwrite the file?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_JOIN_FILEERROR=Could not reassemble original file! Possible causes: Not enough disk space available or original file exists and is write-protected.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FSJ_JOIN_NOFILE=Please select one of the files that you would like to join to reassemble the original file. Enter the full path.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FED_DECRYPT_SUCCESS=File was decrypted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FED_DECRYPT_ERROR=Could not encrypt file! Possible causes: File is damaged or not enough disk space available.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_REALLYDELETEPLUGIN=Are you sure that you want to remove the selected plugin? You may have %CRLFto reinstall the software associated with the plugin to reverse this operation!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_SI_CPUDETAILSLABEL=Note that the list of supported CPU features includes many abbreviations and terms that are only really meaningful for computer hardware experts.%CRLF
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_SI_DISPLAYDETAILSLABEL=Note that the list of supported resolutions also contains settings that cannot be used under Windows®.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_FOUNDXXX=A total of %1 items occupying a total of %2 MB were found.%CRLF%3 of these items occupying %4 MB are marked for deletion.
Form_WO4_FED.HTMLabel1=This module enables you to encrypt files to prevent others from accessing their contents <br>without your permission. The files are encrypted with a password that you choose, which is <br>used like a key to lock and unlock your data. The contents of encrypted files are “scrambled” <br>and they cannot be opened by anyone who does not have your password. <br>The program encrypts files using the Blowfish algorithm, which is extremely secure if you use<br>a good password (longer passwords are more secure).
Form_WO4_FED.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Crypt=Encrypt a File
Form_WO4_FED.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Decrypt=Decrypt an Encrypted File
Form_WO4_FED.UniHTMLabel3=Now you must choose a password. The password must be between 4 and 16 characters long and is <br>case-sensitive - “ggh3p76x” and “ggH3p76x” are different passwords!<br>There is NO way to decrypt the file without the password, so please make a note of it in a safe place!
Form_WO4_FED.TntGroupBox1=Password and Options
Form_WO4_FSJ.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Join=Re-join a set of split files
Form_WO4_FSJ.UniHTMLabel5=The selected operation will now be executed. This may take a few moments.<br>Please be patient.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel1=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_IC.HTMLabel1=When you surf the Internet records of all the pages you visit, their contents and all the files you download are stored on your computer. In addition to compromising your privacy, these records also waste space on your hard drive.
Form_WO4_WIN.HTMLabel1=In addition to the functions provided by this program Windows® itself includes several <br>essential utilities that can help you to keep your system stable and running smoothly. <br>Unfortunately, many people don’t know about them because they are quite difficult <br>to find. This section provides direct access to the three most useful tools, making it <br>much easier to use them regularly.
Form_WO4_WIN.UniHTMLabel1=Power failures, system crashes and switching off your PC without <br>shutting down Windows® properly can all cause errors on your <br>hard drive, including lost fragments, cross-linked and invalid <br>references to files and so on. Scandisk corrects these problems. <br>This improves system stability and is also necessary to enable<br>disk defragmentation.
Form_WO4_WIN.UniHTMLabel2=If your computer seems to be getting more and more sluggish it may be <br>because your hard disk is “fragmented”. Windows® stores files in many<br>little blocks, using any empty space it can find. As time goes on more <br>and more files get spread out all over the disk, and accessing them takes <br>longer and longer. The Disk Defragmenter utility reorganizes your hard <br>disk so that all blocks of each file are kept together, and this makes <br>accessing them much faster.
Form_WO4_WIN.UniHTMLabel3=System Restore is a Windows® utility that allows you to restore your <br>computer to a previous state if a problem occurs, without losing your <br>personal data files. This is done with backup files called “restore points”. <br>Windows® creates restore points automatically every day and when <br>significant events occur (for example when you install a new program), <br>and you can also create restore points manually.
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel5=This section provides access to a number of other settings that can have an effect <br>on the performance of your Internet connection.
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel10=The TTL value sets the number of servers data packets can pass through before they are discarded. <br>Higher values enable longer (and thus also slower) connections.
Form_WO4_PM.UniHTMLabel13=This screen and the following screen displays technical information on the selected process. <br>Some of this information will generally only be meaningful for experienced users.
Form_WO4_SB.HTMLabel1=The speed of your system depends on the hardware components (CPU, RAM, mainboard) and <br>the operating system you are running. This tool allows you to measure the speed of your <br>system and compare it with other computers.
Form_WO4_SB.UniHTMLabel12=<b>Important:</b><br>For maximum accuracy please terminate all other applications before starting the benchmark <br>test. Running applications use processor time and system resources and falsify the results.
Form_WO4_SI.TntGroupBox4=Information on this logical drive
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_VS=Change system icons and transparency settings
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_OPTIONS_PASSSET=Password set. Please keep your password in a safe place!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IP_NOVISTA=This module is not available in Windows Vista™ because the messaging service used by IP spam has been removed from Vista.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IP_SURETORESET=Are you sure you want to reset the settings to the Windows® defaults?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_AUTO_SURE=Are you sure that you want to optimize the selected connection type?%CRLFThis can cause problems with network and Internet settings if you have not selected the correct connection type.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_AUTO_DONE=The settings have been optimized for the selected connection type.%CRLFYou must restart Windows® to apply the changes.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_RESET_DONE=The settings have been reset to the Windows® defaults.%CRLFYou must restart Windows to apply the changes.%CRLF
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_MANUELL_SURE=Are you sure that you want to apply these settings?%CRLFThis can have negative effects on network and Internet performance!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IT_MANUELL_DONE=The settings have been changed to your manual choices.%CRLFYou must restart Windows® to apply the changes.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_EMPTYFOLDERSELECTED=The directory you have chosen appears to be empty!%CRLFPlease choose a different directory.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_REALLYDELETEFOLDER=Are you absolutely sure that you want to permanently delete the %CRLFselected directory and all the %1 files and subfolders it contains?%CRLFYou CANNOT recover these files and folders if you proceed!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_ABORTED=File wipe process aborted by user.%CRLF%1 files have already been wiped.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_NOTALLDONE=%1 files successfully wiped.%CRLF%2 files not wiped because they were in use by the system or other applications.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_NO64BIT=This module is currently not supported in 64-bit versions of Windows®. Select "Check for Updates" in the Internet menu to see if an update is available to change this.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_KILLPROCESS=Are you sure that you want to terminate the running process%CRLF%1?%CRLFTerminating running processes can cause system instability or data loss!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_PLUGINDELETED=The plugin will not be loaded the next time you start Windows®.%CRLFYou should restart Windows® now.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_PANEL_NOSEARCH=No search has been performed yet.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_NOTHINTODELETE=No items have been selected for deletion.%CRLFYou must select at least 1 item for deletion in the Details section.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_DELETEDALL=All selected Internet items deleted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_DELETEDNOTALL=%1 of the selected %2 Internet data items deleted successfully.%CRLFHowever, %3 Internet data items could not be deleted!%CRLFPlease close any running applications and try again.%CRLFCheck the Details section to see the undeleted items.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_VT_TRANSRESETED=All transparency settings disabled. Some applications may need to be restarted for the new settings to take effect.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_VT_REALLYRESETSYMBOLS=Really reset all system icons to the Windows default settings? This will remove all modified icons.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_VT_SYMBOLSRESETED=Your system icons have been reset to the Windows® defaults.
Form_WO4_VS.HTMLabel1=This module allows you to customize the appearance of your Windows® desktop. You can change the icons used for items like the Recycle Bin, the Windows Control Panel, folders, drives and many other system components. You can also enable transparency settings for the program windows of any application you choose. You can adjust the transparency level - for example you can set the Windows Explorer window so that you can see the desktop behind it. Presets are available for common applications including Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, Notepad and others.
Form_WO4_VS.NikiSTButtonGDIP_ResetSymbole=Reset all icons
Form_WO4_VS.CheckBox_Autostart=Load Visual Styler when Windows® starts (required to enable transparency settings)
Form_WO4_VS.HTMLabel3=You can replace a number of the Windows® system icons displayed on your desktop and in Windows Explorer windows. Double-click on an item to replace its icon.
Form_WO4_VS.UniHTMLabel4=You can select a custom icon for each one of the 26 drive letters (A-Z) to be displayed in the Windows Explorer and on the desktop. Note that some removable media like CD-ROMs and DVDs may use their own icons that will also replace the icons you select here.
Form_WO4_VS.Label8=You must restart Windows® to apply your changes.
Form_WO4_VS.UniHTMLabel2=You can adjust the size and spacing of all the icons displayed on your desktop and in the Windows Explorer (Icons view). A preview function makes choosing the setting you want easier.
Form_WO4_VS.GroupBox_LNK=Shortcut Arrow
Form_WO4_VS.CheckBox_LNKs=Display shortcut arrow
Form_WO4_VS.CheckBox_Preview_Background=Show desktop background in preview
Form_WO4_VS.GroupBox1=Icon Size
Form_WO4_VS.Label_IconSizeFIXED=Icon size set to:
Form_WO4_VS.GroupBox2=Icon spacing
Form_WO4_VS.Label3=Spacing in pixels:
Form_WO4_VS.UniHTMLabel3=You can apply transparency effects to all windows of a selected application. To find out the class names used by the applications for their windows you need special programs for developers. These programs can be found on the Internet - some are available as freeware.
Form_WO4_VS.UniHTMLabel_Applying=Your new icons and settings will now be activated. While this is being done your desktop may flicker for a couple of seconds and icons on the desktop and in Windows Explorer windows may disappear briefly or change their positions. Please be patient - this process cannot be interrupted.
Form_Password.HTMLabel3=This program can be used to make changes to critical system settings. You or another user have protected it with a password to prevent unauthorized access. You must now enter the correct password to start the program. You can change the password in the Options section in the main menu.
Form_WO4_DEFRAG.HTMLabel1=This tool defragments your hard disk drives. All file systems save files in many small blocks that can be stored in any free spaces on your hard drive. With time more and more files can get "fragmented", or broken up into blocks stored in many different locations instead of together. This slows down access to your hard drive. Defragmentation reverses this process, reorganizing the files on your hard disk so that all the blocks of each file are together again. <br><br>Select the hard drive you want to defragment and then click on <b>Start Defragmentation</b>.
Form_WO4_FED.HTMLabel3=This function allows you to encrypt files so that only people who know the password you <br>choose can access them. Please note that passwords are case-sensitive - jx7768 <br>and jX7768 are different passwords!
Form_WO4_FED.UniHTMLabel1=This function decrypts files encrypted with WinOptimizer. To decrypt the file you must<br>enter the same password that was used to encrypt it.
Form_WO4_FED.UniHTMLabel4=Please select the file you want to decrypt:
Form_WO4_FED.UniHTMLabel6=To decrypt the file you must enter the same password that was used to encrypt it. Note that <br>passwords are case-sensitive - you must enter all upper and lower case letters correctly.
Form_WO4_FED.UniHTMLabel5=The selected operation will now be executed. This may take a few moments.<br>Please be patient.
Form_WO4_FSJ.HTMLabel3=This function splits a file into several smaller files that are easier to send or manage.<br>Later you can use the Join Files function to reassemble the original file.
Form_WO4_FSJ.UniHTMLabel1=The file will be split into two or more files as required. Please choose the <br>maximum size for the individual files to be created:
Form_WO4_FSJ.UniHTMLabel3=This function re-joins sets of files that were split with WinOptimizer.
Form_WO4_FSJ.UniHTMLabel4=Please select one of the files you want to reassemble to the original file. You can select <br>any one of the files, the others will be included automatically.
Form_WO4_FSJ.TntLabel2=Original File Information
Form_WO4_FW.HTMLabel1=File Wiper deletes individual files and folders so thoroughly that they can never be restored, <br>not even with specialized software or in professional data recovery laboratories. Select one <br>of the options below to begin.
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel12=<b>Warning:</b><br>Note that files deleted with File Wiper can <b>NEVER</b> be recovered.<br>Once you wipe files they are gone forever, so use this tool with care!
Form_WO4_FW.HTMLabel3=The options you set here will be used for all wipe operations. If you are not sure <br>what to choose please just leave all the settings unchanged.
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel3=When you select Start the files selected below will be deleted permanently.<br>To add files to the list select Add or just drag them into the list box<br>from the Windows Explorer.
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel2=When you select Start all the files and folders listed below will be deleted permanently.<br>You will <u>never</u> be able to recover these files after wiping them!
Form_WO4_FW.TntGroupBox3=Permanently delete folders and their contents
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel5=<b>Wiping files...</b><br>The selected files and folders are now being permanently deleted.<br>After wiping the data can never be recovered. You can click Cancel<br>at any time to abort but files already wiped are still gone forever.
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Start=Start a new search
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Delete=Delete all selected items (listed in Details)
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_NewSearch=Start a new search
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel5=Internet Cleaner can locate and delete the surfing records stored by different Internet <br>browsers. If a browser uses profiles the program will check and clear all the records <br>associated with all that browser's profiles.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel7=The cache contains copies of all the web pages you visit (including graphics). Next time you visit the pages any unchanged content is loaded from the cache to speed up browsing. Since these files are always restored by the browser every time you visit a page they can always be deleted safely.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel9=The browser history records the addresses of all the Internet pages you visit. This data is used <br>for the auto-complete and drop-down address list functions in the browser's Address field. If your <br>privacy is more important to you than this convenience you can also delete these records. <br>IMPORTANT: The browser history is not the same thing as the Windows® History folder, which can <br>be cleared with a separate Internet Cleaner function.
Form_WO4_IC.CheckBox_IC_Cache=Data in the browser cache
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel4=<b>Keep cookies for trusted sites (Internet Explorer only)</b><br>Normally Internet Cleaner deletes all cookies. However, some cookies are useful - for example <br>they can be used to store your user names and passwords for accessing trusted websites for <br>which you are registered. If you delete these cookies you must re-enter your user name and <br>password every time you visit these sites. This function allows you to protect cookies for <br>websites that you trust.
Form_WO4_IC.CheckBox_KeepCookies=Protect cookies for these trusted websites (Internet Explorer only)
Form_WO4_IP.TntLabel3=Example of IP Spam / Netspam
Form_WO4_IP.UniHTMLabel2=This service is enabled by default in Windows® 2000 and XP. IP Spam Blocker enables you to turn <br>it off so that you will no longer receive any annoying IP spam messages. Of course, you should only <br>disable the Windows® messaging service if you are sure that you don't need it. If you are not sure<br>ask your network administrator if the service is required in your network. (If you only have a private<br>home network you don't need the service.)
Form_WO4_IT.HTMLabel1=Internet Tuner enables you to optimize your Internet connection for maximum performance. <br>This function is particularly useful for dial-up connections (analog or ISDN) and cable <br>modems. The improvements possible with DSL modems and routers are smaller because they <br>have fewer tuning options.
Form_WO4_IT.RadioButton_RWIN2=Use (MTU-40)*4 - this is usually a good choice
Form_WO4_IT.RadioButton_TTL1=Let Windows® control TTL
Form_WO4_IT.RadioButton_TTL2=Set TTL manually
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel3=<b>Warning:</b><br>Incorrect changes to these system settings can make your Internet connection slower. In rare <br>cases it may even become impossible to make a connection at all. If this happens just use the <br>Reset option to restore the default Windows® settings.
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel6=This applies all your manually-edited settings. The changes may only become active after <br>you restart Windows®.
Form_WO4_IT.Label_Zurueck3=<< Back
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel13=Internet Tuner can automatically optimize all settings for a specific connection type. Please <br>double-check before you make your selection. Applying the settings for the wrong type may <br>cause problems with your Internet connection!
Form_WO4_IT.UniHTMLabel14=Available connection types (double-click to optimize for selected type):
Form_WO4_SB.UniHTMLabel1=The speed of your system is now being tested. This will take 60 seconds. Don't <br>perform any actions or start applications while the benchmark is running.
Form_WO4_SB.UniHTMLabel2=Compare the measured performance of your system with other computers.<br>Note that performance can vary by 1-2% every time you run the benchmark and that some <br>system components (graphics card, hard disk) are not included in the benchmark test.
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel4=This list displays all the applications that are started automatically with Windows®. <br>Please click on Help for instructions on using the functions here.
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel3=This list shows a number of common services that are loaded when Windows® starts.<br>Many of the services listed here are unnecessary for most users and can be safely disabled.<br>Even so, please use with caution - this function is designed for experienced users!
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel2=The list below shows all the entries for installed programs in Add/Remove Programs module in <br>the Windows® Control Panel. You can edit the entries' names and command lines and delete<br>obsolete entries. Use with caution - for experienced users only!
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel1=Internet Explorer can use plugins known as "Browser Helper Objects" to provide additional <br>functions. Unfortunately, spyware and other malicious programs often also install plugins that <br>can compromise your computer's security. The list below shows all the plugins currently <br>installed and allows you to remove them. Note that if you remove a plugin you may need to <br>reinstall the software associated with it to reenable the plugin!
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel5=The list below shows all the backups created by this program module.<br>The date and time when the changes were made are shown for each backup.<br>You can restore the changes stored in the backups or delete backups that you <br>no longer need.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_NOTYOUROS_UPDATE=This module is currently not supported under this version of Windows® or only has limited support. Select "Check for Updates" in the Internet menu to see if an update is available to change this.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_REALLY_DELETE_EX=Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the selected exceptions?
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_DC_FOUNDXXX=The scan found %1 potentially redundant files that occupy a total of %2 MB on your hard disk.<br>A total of %5 files in %6 folders were scanned. Of these files, %3 are selected for deletion. <br>The selected files occupy %4 MB.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_NOTHINGFOUND=No redundant files were found.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_PANEL_NOSEARCH=You have not yet performed a scan...
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_NOTHINTODELETE=No files are selected for deletion.%CRLFYou must select at least one file in the Details section.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_DELETEDALL=All selected files were deleted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_DELETEDNOTALL=%1 of the selected %2 files were deleted successfully.%CRLFHowever, %3 of the selected files could not be deleted!%CRLFPlease close any running applications and try again.%CRLFCheck the Details section to see the undeleted items.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_COUNTFOLDERS=Counting folders on drive...
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_PANEL_DELETED=%1 Registry entries were deleted.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_NOTHINTODELETE=No entries are selected for deletion.%CRLFYou must select at least one entry in the Details section.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DELETEDALL=All selected entries were deleted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DELETEDNOTALL=%1 of the selected %2 Registry entries deleted successfully.%CRLFHowever, %3 selected entries could not be deleted!%CRLFPlease close any running applications and try again.%CRLFCheck the Details section to see the undeleted items.
Form_WO4_DC.HTMLabel1=This module removes unnecessary files and other garbage from your hard disks, giving you more free space on your hard drives.<br>Deleted files are moved to the Windows® Recycle Bin. Please empty the Recycle Bin before starting - this will make it easier to find and recover files you wish to restore later.
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel1=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_DC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Start=Start a new scan
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel2=These settings tell Drive Cleaner which drives to scan for redundant files.<br>The default setting is to scan all local hard drives.
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel3=These settings tell Drive Cleaner which files to regard as redundant.<br>Please don't change these settings if you don't understand them!
Form_WO4_DC.GroupBox_Obj1=Delete Contents of These Folders
Form_WO4_DC.CheckBox_TMP_AllUsers=Delete contents of the Temporary Files folder for all users
Form_WO4_DC.CheckBox_TMP_CurrentUser=Delete contents of the current user's Temporary Files folder
Form_WO4_DC.CheckBox_MiniDump=Delete contents of the Minidump folder
Form_WO4_DC.CheckBox_Recent=Delete the My Recent Documents shortcuts
Form_WO4_DC.CheckBox_Internetlogs=Delete contents of the Internet Logs folder
Form_WO4_DC.GroupBox_Obj2=Files Identified by Extensions
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel4=Files and folders listed here will <b>not</b> be scanned by Drive Cleaner. The list includes a number <br>of default entries that prevent problems with some known programs, including Microsoft <br>Office. Please don't delete these entries!
Form_WO4_DC.Button_DCEx_AddFiles=Add Files
Form_WO4_DC.Button_DCEx_AddDir=Add Folder
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel5=Scanning your hard drives for redundant items. This can take a while - please be patient. You can cancel the operation at any time.
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel7=Drive Cleaner found files that can be deleted. Click on "Show details" to display and edit the list of items. Click on "Delete all selected items" to delete the selected items.
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel8=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_DC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Delete=Delete all selected items (listed in Details)
Form_WO4_DC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Details=Show details
Form_WO4_DC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_NewSearch=Start a new scan
Form_WO4_DC.UniHTMLabel6=The selected items are now being deleted. This can take a while - please be patient. You can cancel the process at any time.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_ICONS=Entry "%DisplayName" refers to missing icon file:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_MEDIA=System sound "%DisplayName" refers to missing audio file:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_USERASSIST=Entry refers to missing file:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_COMOLE2=Entry "%DisplayName" refers to missing file:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_ACTIVEXCOM=Entry "%DisplayName" refers to missing interface:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_ACTIVEX2=Interface "%DisplayName" refers to missing file:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_EMPTYHELPDIR=Library "%DisplayName" has empty subkey %Key
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_FILEFORMAT=File format "%DisplayName" refers to missing key:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_FILEFORMAT2=File format "%DisplayName" refers to missing file:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_FILEFORMAT3=File format "%DisplayName" contains no data
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_SHARED=Missing file: "%Filename" in folder:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_HELP=Missing help file: "%Filename" in folder:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_APPPATH=Missing file: "%Filename" in folder:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_FONTS=Missing font: "%DisplayName" (file: "%Filename") in folder:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_LOSTMRU=File "%Filename" in MRU list "%Displayname" not found in folder:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_EMPTYOPENWITH=Empty "Open With" list for file name %DisplayName
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_EMPTYSTARTMENUORDER=No information on folders in the Start menu group "%DisplayName"
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_OCO_NOMODULESELECTED=You must select at least one of the cleaning modules.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_REFRESHED=All settings have been reloaded. Any unconfirmed changes were discarded.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_SURETORESET=Reset all critical settings to the Windows® defaults (as after a fresh Windows® installation)? This does not affect all settings.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_SURETODELETEOEM=Really delete all this information? It is NOT possible to undo this operation!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_IESEARCHBAR2=Reset to Windows® defaults.
Form_WO4_RC.HTMLabel1=Registry Optimizer removes obsolete entries from the Windows® Registry that refer to files that no longer exist. It can also find and remove some entries that can compromise your privacy (lists of the last applications searched for etc). Select "Configure settings" to specify the types of entries you want to scan for.
Form_WO4_RC.UniHTMLabel1=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_RC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Start=Start a new scan
Form_WO4_RC.UniHTMLabel2=This screen shows all the backups created by Registry Optimizer.<br>The date and time when the changes were made are shown for each backup.<br>You can restore the changes stored in the backups or delete backups that you <br>no longer need.
Form_WO4_RC.UniHTMLabel3=The program is now scanning for the selected items. This can take a while - please be patient. You can cancel the scan at any time.
Form_WO4_RC.TntLabel1=Progress of the current operation:
Form_WO4_RC.TntLabel4=Progress of the entire operation:
Form_WO4_RC.UniHTMLabel5=Files that can be deleted were found on your computer. Click on "Show Details" to display the items found. Click on "Delete all selected items" to delete the selected items now.
Form_WO4_RC.UniHTMLabel6=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_RC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Delete=Delete all selected items (listed in Details)
Form_WO4_RC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Details=Show details
Form_WO4_RC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_NewSearch=Start a new scan
Form_WO4_RC.UniHTMLabel4=The selected items are now being deleted. This can take a while - please be patient. You can cancel the process at any time.
Form_WO4_RC.UniHTMLabel7=These settings tell Registry Optimizer which types of orphaned or redundant entries you want to locate and delete from the Windows® Registry.
Form_WO4_OCO.HTMLabel1=One-Click Optimizer optimizes your entire computer with a single click. If you accept the default settings the modules Internet Cleaner, Drive Cleaner and Registry Optimizer will be executed automatically, one after another. A summary will be displayed when all three modules have finished optimization.<br><br><b>Important:</b> One-Click Optimizer uses the current settings of the three modules. We thus recommend that you configure and use each module once before using One-Click Optimizer.<br><br>You should also empty the Windows® Recycle Bin before starting. This will make it easer to find files you decide you want to restore later (deleted files are moved to the Recycle Bin).
Form_WO4_OCO.NikiSTButtonGDIP_STart=Execute One-Click Optimizer now
Form_WO4_OCO.UniHTMLabel1=The selected modules are now scanning for and deleting unnecessary items.<br>This can take a while - please be patient.
Form_WO4_OCO.TntGroupBox2=Current process:
Form_WO4_OCO.UniHTMLabel2=One-Click Optimizer completed or cancelled by the user.<br>
Form_WO4_OCO.Label_Zurueck1=<< Back
Form_WO4_TW.HTMLabel1=The Tweaking module allows you to change many Windows® settings that are normally difficult or impossible to access. Please note that not all the settings are available for all Windows® versions. To access and edit the available settings select the options in the "Tweaking" menu on the left.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel1=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_TW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Refresh=Reload all settings
Form_WO4_TW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Reset=Reset all settings to the Windows® defaults
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel11=<b>Important:</b><br>Not all options are available in all versions of Windows®.<br>The options available for other applications like MS Office and Internet Explorer also depend on the installed versions of these applications. Options that are not available on your system are shown grayed out.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel2=The communications tool Windows Messenger is available for all versions of Windows®. It is installed automatically on Windows® XP and later versions of Windows®.
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox_Obj2=Uninstall Options
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel3=Some versions of Windows Messenger can't normally be uninstalled in the Control Panel. If this is the case on your system you can make it "uninstallable" by enabling this option.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_MSMSGS_Hide=Allow Windows Messenger to be uninstalled in the Control panel
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_MSMSGS=Load and enable Windows Messenger automatically when Windows® starts
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Messenger_IE=Show Windows Messenger in Internet Explorer
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_HideMessenger=Show Windows Messenger in Outlook Express
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel4=The settings below allow you to change Windows Media Player settings that are relevant to your privacy and the security of your personal data.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox2=Privacy and Security Settings
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_MediaPlayer_UsageTracking=Send information on Media Player usage to Microsoft
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_SendUserGUID=Allow servers to identify your computer when you receive streaming media data
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_SilentAcquisition=Download usage rights automatically when you play media
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel6=The email program Outlook Express is installed automatically with Windows®. These settings allow you to change the way Outlook Express behaves.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox5=Window Title
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel7=You can define your own window title for Outlook Express. To restore the standard title just deactivate this option.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_OE_BlockExeAttachments=Block executable attachments in emails
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_OE_NoModifyAccts=Block changes to mail account settings
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoSplash_Outlook=Display splash screen when Outlook Express starts
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel9=If Microsoft Office is installed on your computer you can change some of its settings here. If you have more than one version of Office the settings will only be changed for the most recent version found.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AdaptiveMenus_XP=Use personal adaptive menus in all Office applications
Form_WO4_TW.JvLinkLabel40=Just like Windows®, MS Office has an error reporting function that sends reports to Microsoft when a software error occurs. If you don't like this you can disable this function here.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_ErrorReport=Disable Office's error reporting function
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel8=If you have Microsoft Outlook installed you can use the settings below to control its behavior. If you have more than one version installed the settings will only be applied to the latest version found.
Form_WO4_TW.JvLinkLabel42=Outlook normally blocks all potentially dangerous attachments. You can use these settings to change the formats that Outlook considers dangerous and blocks.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_OutlookXP_ReadAsPlain=Display unsigned emails as plain text and block all HTML elements
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox8=Outlook Today
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel10=You can replace the standard Outlook Today screen with a web page - just enter any URL (for example your company's homepage etc.)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Outlook_URL=Use this URL:
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel5=Windows® supports multiple user accounts and normally displays a user logon screen when the operating system starts. You can use the settings on this screen to make the system log you in to your account automatically when you turn the computer on. <br><b>Caution:</b> This allows anyone with access to your computer to access all your data!
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox3=Automatic Logon
Form_WO4_TW.TntLabel1=User account name:
Form_WO4_TW.TntLabel3=Network domain:
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AutoLogON=Log this user on automatically when Windows® starts:
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox3=Automatic Logon Options
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_IgnoreShiftOverride=Do not allow automatic logon to be disabled with the SHIFT key
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel12=The settings here allow you to adjust some additional Windows® logon options. Please be careful - if you do not understand a setting please do not change it!
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox1=Welcome Message
Form_WO4_TW.JvLinkLabel2=You can display an automatic message that the user must click on to confirm at every logon - for example you could display a reminder about company policy or security information.
Form_WO4_TW.TntLabel4=Title bar:
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_LegalNotice=Display a welcome message at logon
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox2=Other Settings
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AllowMultipleTSSessions=Display "Switch User" dialog on logoff
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_ShutdownWithoutLogon=Display "Shut Down / Turn Off" button in logon screen
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Administrator=Display Administrator account (never disable this if Administrator is your current account!)
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel13=This screen allows you to change a number of Internet Explorer settings that are relevant to your privacy and security.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox9=Internet Explorer Updates
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoUpdateCheck=Allow Internet Explorer to check for updates automatically when you are online
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoScheduledUpdates=Install scheduled updates automatically (even if automatic updates are disabled)
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox10=Other Settings
Form_WO4_TW.JvLinkLabel23=Internet Explorer comes with a plugin called Alexa that can recommend websites related to the<br>current page you are viewing. To do this Alexa transfers data that can compromise your privacy<br>and security. Many users feel that this plugin should be regarded as spyware.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Persistent=Delete contents of Temporary Internet Files when exiting the browser.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_EnableNegotiate=Enable Windows authentication (makes it possible to identify your computer)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Alexa=Enable the Alexa plugin in Internet Explorer
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel14=This screen allows you to change the appearance of Internet Explorer.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox11=Window Title
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel15=You can define your own window title text for Internet Explorer. To return to the standard window title again just deactivate this option.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_WindowTitle_IE=Use this window title:
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel16=You can display your own background image in the Internet Explorer toolbar.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_BackBitmap_IE=Use this background image:
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox34=Other Options
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_FavIntelliMenus=Only show frequently-used items in Favorites
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel19=These settings allow you to disable a number of Internet Explorer options for all users. <br><b>Caution:</b> You can only undo these changes with this program! Please not edit these settings unless you really understand what you are doing and have a good reason for making the changes!
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox10=Disable Functions
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoFileNew=Disable "New Window" in the File menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoFileOpen=Disable "Open" in the File menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoBrowserSaveAs=Disable "Save As..." in the File menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoTheaterMode=Disable "Full Screen" in the View menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoFavorites=Disable the Favorites menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoBrowserOptions=Disable "Internet Options" in the Tools menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_SecurityTab=Disable "Security" tab in Internet Options
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_ConnectionsTab=Disable "Connections" tab in Internet Options
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_SecChangeSettings=Disable "Security - Security Level" in Internet Options
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel17=These settings allow you to adjust some miscellaneous features in Internet Explorer.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NotifyDownloadComplete=Inform user when downloads are completed
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_DownloadDIR=Save all downloads in this folder:
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox14=Search Function
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel18=The Search button activates a search engine. This setting enables you to specify the search engine you want to use. Most search engines have a special URL for Internet Explorer's Search button.
Form_WO4_TW.Label2=Search engine:
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox15=Source Code Viewer
Form_WO4_TW.Label3=Display View > Source with:
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel21=The Device Manager that can be accessed in the Windows® Control Panel allows you to display and edit the settings and drivers of all the devices in your computer.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox17=Device Manager - View
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=List all devices (included disconnected and disabled devices)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_DEVMGR_SHOW_DETAILS=Display extended information for each device (for experienced users only)
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox18=USB Polling
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel22=Windows® normally checks whether new USB devices have been connected every millisecond. This can interfere with the power-saving mode of some processors, unnecessarily increasing power consumption and heat generation.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_IdleEnable=Poll USB ports every 5 milliseconds (instead of every millisecond)
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox19=Ultra DMA 66
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_EnableUDMA66=Enable UDMA 66 for older Intel chipsets
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel23=These settings allow you to disable a number of Control Panel options for all users. <br><b>Caution:</b> You can only undo these changes with this program! Please not edit these settings unless you really understand what you are doing and have a good reason for making the changes!
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox20=Disable Options
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoDispCPL=Disable Display in the Control Panel
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoDispBackgroundPage=Disable the Desktop tab in Display Properties
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoDispScrSavPage=Disable the Screensaver tab in Display Properties
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoDispSettingsPage=Disable Settings tab in Display Properties
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoRemovePage=Disable Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoWindowsSetupPage=Disable Add or Remove Windows Components in the Control Panel
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel20=When you select System in the Control Panel or right-click on My Computer and select Properties the General tab displays an image and some additional information about your computer. This is often used by system vendors to brand their computers. You can change this information and replace it with your own details and graphic.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel24=When you insert a medium in a drive Windows® automatically checks whether the medium is configured to autostart an application. This is not only possible with removable media - you can also set this for every drive in your system.
Form_WO4_TW.Label6=Enable media change notification on the selected drives:
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel26=Normally all the drives in your system are displayed by Windows®. The settings below allow you to hide drives in My Computer. (Programs can still access them normally.)
Form_WO4_TW.TntLabel9=Hide the selected drives in My Computer:
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel25=This screen provides access to a number of other useful drive-related settings. The NTFS settings can improve performance and security on NTFS drives and partitions.
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox4=NTFS Settings
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NTFSDisableLastAccessUpdate=Do not remember date of last access to folders
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation=Disable creation of additional filenames using the DOS 8.3 format
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoResolveTrack=Do not automatically search for files associated with orphaned shortcuts
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_ForceGuest=Enable extended security settings for NTFS shares (Windows XP Pro and above)
Form_WO4_TW.TntLabel8=Play audio CDs with:
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoCDBurning=Disable Windows CD burning functions (Windows XP and above)
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel27=These settings affect the performance, security and stability of your system. Please only make changes here if you really understand what you are doing!
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AutoEndTasks=Automatically terminate applications that have become unresponsive (crashed)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AutoRestartShell=Only restart Windows Explorer, not the entire system
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AutoReboot=Restart automatically after severe system errors (blue screens)
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox7=Memory Management
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_DisablePagingExecutive=Do not cache drivers and kernel files on the hard drive (recommended from 512 MB RAM)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AlwaysUnLoadDLL=Remove DLL files from memory on release and do not cache them
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_Systemcache1=Optimize memory use for applications (default)
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_Systemcache2=Optimize memory use for system cache (services)
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel29=These settings can improve security and protect your privacy but they may have a negative effect on system performance or user-friendliness.
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox9=Other Settings
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NukeOnDelete=Immediately delete files placed in the Recycle Bin
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_ClearPageFileAtShutdown=Delete the page file when you Windows® is shut down
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox11=Start Menu
Form_WO4_TW.JvLinkLabel72=The My Recent Documents section in the Start menu stores links to all the documents you have accessed recently. These settings allow you to control how these links are handled.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoRecentDocsHistory=Do not add any more items to My Recent Documents in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_ClearRecentDocsOnExit=Delete contents of My Recent Documents on Windows® shutdown (slower restarts)
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel28=This section allows you to change the locations of a number of Windows® system folders. <br><b>Caution:</b> Do not make any changes here unless you really know what you are doing - mistakes can have drastic and very negative effects!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_SETINFO_REBOOTNEED=Your settings have been applied. Some settings will only become active after restarting Windows®. We recommend that you restart Windows® now.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel34=These settings allow you to disable a number of Windows® functions for all users. <br><b>Caution:</b> You can only undo these changes with this program! Please not edit these settings unless you really understand what you are doing and have a good reason for making the changes!
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox23=Disable Functions
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_DisableRegistryTools=Do not allow execution of "Regedit.exe" und "Regedt32.exe"
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoPropertiesMyComputer=Disable Properties context menu on desktop
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox24=Network Access
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AllocateFloppies=Floppy disk drives can only be used by the current user
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AllocateCDRoms=CD drives can only be used by the current user
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel35=These settings allow you to adjust some additional miscellaneous system functions.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox25=Windows® License
Form_WO4_TW.TntLabel10=User name:
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel36=This setting allows you to change the name of the user and company to which this copy of Windows® are registered, if necessary.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel30=These settings allow you to customize the appearance of Windows Explorer windows. Please note that most of the settings will only be applied to new windows. In some cases you must restart Windows® to apply the settings.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel31=You can set your own background image for the Toolbar of Windows Explorer windows.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_BackBitmapShell=Use this background image:
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_LNKs=Display arrow symbol in bottom right corner of shortcut icons
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_PIFs=Display symbol in shortcut icons to DOS applications (PIF files)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_LNKsmit=Add "Shortcut to" to the names of new shortcuts
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_MenuSchatten=Display drop shadows under all menus (in all windows)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_MinAnimate=Enable desktop animations (for minimizing windows to Taskbar)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_DragFullWindows=Display window content while dragging and resizing (displays frame only when off)
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel37=These settings allow you to enable or disable the display of system icons on your desktop or in My Computer. You must restart Windows® to apply the changes. Please note that Windows® may rearrange the icons on your desktop when you change these settings.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox26=Desktop Items
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_PaintDesktopVersion=Display Windows® version in the lower right corner of the desktop
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel32=These settings allow you to modify the contents and behavior of the Start menu. Most of the settings only apply for the current user.
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox47=Start Menu Settings
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Start_NotifyNewApps=Highlight new applications in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_StartMenuAdminTools=Display the Computer Administration program group in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_StartMenuScrollPrograms=Make All Programs in the Start menu scrollable (Windows 2000 & XP only)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoUserNameInStartMenu=Display the name of the current user in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox48=Program Group Open Delay (Windows® 2000 & XP only)
Form_WO4_TW.JvLinkLabel71=These settings allow you to change how program groups in the Start menu's All Programs open when you position the mouse over them.
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_MenuShowDelay3=Use default Windows setting (217 milliseconds)
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_MenuShowDelay1=Do not open program groups automatically (mouse click required)
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_MenuShowDelay2=Open program groups without delay
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_MenuShowDelay=Open program groups after this delay:
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel39=These settings allow you to change the appearance and behavior of the Windows taskbar and the notification area (sometimes referred to as the "system tray").
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox52=Icons in the Notification Area
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_EnableAutoTray=Hide icons of inactive applications
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_HideClock=Show time
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoTrayItemsDisplay=Remove all icons (except time)
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox51=Alerts (Windows XP & Vista only)
Form_WO4_TW.JvLinkLabel68=Starting with XP, Windows® frequently displays yellow speech bubble alerts in the notification area at the right end of the taskbar to inform you about possible problems and events. These alerts can quickly become annoying for experienced users.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_EnableBalloonTips=Allow general alerts ("Found new hardware", "Windows activation" etc.)
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel33=These settings allow you to disable a number of system functions for all users. <br><b>Caution:</b> You can only undo these changes with this program! Please not edit these settings unless you really understand what you are doing and have a good reason for making the changes!
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox22=Disable Functions
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_StartMenuLogoff=Disable "Log Off" in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoSMHelp=Disable "Help and Support" in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoClose=Disable "Turn Off Computer" in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoFind=Disable "Search" in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoRun=Disable "Run..." in the Start menu
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoFileAssociate_XP=Disable the "File Types" tab in the Windows Explorer "Tools > Folder Options" dialog
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_NoViewContextMenu=Disable the context menu for Windows Explorer and desktop
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel38=These settings allow you to modify some miscellaneous Windows® functions.
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox27=Explorer Windows
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_PaintPicture=Display thumbnail images of BMP image files as icons (can make Explorer slower)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_AVI=Display preview data for video files (Windows XP and above)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_PersistBrowsers=Reopen all previously open Explorer windows when Windows® starts
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox28=Other Functions
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_DesktopProcess=Run desktop and taskbar as a separate process (more stable, uses more memory)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_CommandPrompt=Add "Command Prompt from Here" item to folder context menu
Form_DT_Options.TabSheet2=File Formats
Form_DT_Options.JvLinkLabel3=You can edit the file formats to be included in each group and define one group of your own.<br>Enter the file extensions without dots, separated by semicolons - e.g. "ZIP;RAR;ACE"<br>For normal use you do not need to make any changes to the default settings.
Form_DT_Options.Label1=Audio Files:
Form_DT_Options.Label2=Video Files:
Form_DT_Options.Label3=Image Files:
Form_DT_Options.Label4=Archive Files:
Form_DT_Options.Label6=Program Files:
Form_DT_Options.GroupBox1=User-defined group of File Formats
Form_DT_Options.Label7=File Formats:
Form_DT_Options.Label8=Name of Group:
Form_DT_Options.CheckBox_ShowOwnGroup=Display own group
Form_DT_Options.JvLinkLabel1=You can adjust the parameters of your graphs, e.g. to be able to see more information.<br>You do not need to change these settings for normal use.
Form_DT_Options.JvLinkLabel6=You can select between 2 color-styles for all graphs.
Form_DT_Options.JvLinkLabel5=You can change the standard view to your own preferred view mode, which will then be activated automatically when you start this module.
Form_DT_Options.JvLinkLabel2=Number of sections per graph:
Form_DT_Options.JvLinkLabel4=Caution: Too many sections can make your graphs difficult to understand.
Form_WO4_DS.HTMLabel1=This module enables you to find out where and how the space on your hard drives is being used. For example, you can see how many audio and video files are on your disk and how much space they are using. Or you can see what percentage of your storage space is occupied by applications and documents.
Form_WO4_DS.UniHTMLabel2=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_DS.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Start=Generate Report for selected drive
Form_WO4_DS.UniHTMLabel1=The program is now generating the report for the selected drive. To do this every file on the drive must be checked. This procedure can take a little while to complete - please be patient.
Form_DT_Result1.Label1=Click on "Go" to display all the files of the chosen format.
Form_DT_Result1.Label2=Select one of the file categories below to display a space analysis by file type:
Form_DT_Result1.AdvNavBarPanel2=File Formats
Form_DT_Result1.NikiSTButton_Audio=Audio Files
Form_DT_Result1.NikiSTButton_Video=Video Files
Form_DT_Result1.NikiSTButton_Pic=Graphics Files
Form_DT_Result1.NikiSTButton_App=Program Files
Form_DT_Result1.ToolButton_PIE=Pie Chart
Form_DT_Result1.ToolButton_BAR=Bar Graph
Form_DT_Result1.ToolButton_NOCHART=No Chart
Form_DT_Result1.PopUp_OpenFile=Open File
Form_DT_Result1.PopUp_ShowFolder=Show in Explorer
Form_DT_Result1.PopUp_OpenFolder=Show Folder in Explorer
Form_STNew.CheckBox_AllUsers=Create for all users (or only for current user if not selected)
Form_STNew.UniHTMLabel1=You can add applications that will started automatically with Windows.<br>Please consider that adding certain applications may cause major problems!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_STNEW_NONAME=You must specify a name for the new entry!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_STNEW_NOCMDLINE=You must specify a valid command line for the new entry!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_STNEW_REALLY=Are you sure you want to add this new autostart entry?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_GROUP5=Diagnosis and information
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP1=The Windows registry grows larger every time you install a new program, and also every time you run certain programs. Often, these additions to the registry are left behind when the program is uninstalled. Use the registry optimizer at regular intervals to delete registry entries that are no longer needed, and to free up your system from unnecessary junk.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP2=A lot of services start up automatically, but are almost never needed by most users. Use the StartUp Tuner module under "Optimize performance" to show which services are commonly unused, and to disable these in order to increase precious memory capacity and system performance. Also works on Vista.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP3=Some websites install additional processes over the browser, e.g. to log your surfing habits. You can use the Process Manager module under "Optimize performance” to view all running processes, and directly terminate unknown processes.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP4=Many programs put themselves in your operating system’s startup list, by which they can start background processes and services that could cost you valuable system performance. Use the Startup Tuner module in order to remove or simply disable unneeded entries.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP5=Windows sends data from various programs and services to Microsoft. Since nobody can say for sure exactly what data is being sent, and what this data is being used for, we recommend you take a look in the Tweaking module. Some options help you to minimize the amount of data that gets sent to Microsoft.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP6=The Diagnosis and information module and in particular the System information module present the quickest and easiest way to get information about the components installed in your system. This makes it easier, for example, to find out about the correct and most up-to-date drivers from the correct manufacturers.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP7=The automatic desktop cleanup can be very easily enabled/disabled. To do this, simply right-click on the desktop and choose "Properties". In the window that appears, go to the "Desktop" tab and there select "Customize Desktop". In the Desktop Items window, there is a checkbox for enabling/disabling this function.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP8=The quickest way to swap between users is the shortcut "Windows Key + L". That immediately brings up the logon window, from which other users can log on with their name and password. You can swap back to the original user just as quickly the same way.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP9=The shortcut "Windows Key + L" lets you lock your computer in a split second, say when you want to go out for lunch. It swaps directly to the logon screen, and users have to log on to continue working. That protects your system against "snoops".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP10=Lots of visual effects (eye candy) cost valuable computing power, and in most cases don't even raise a weary smile after a few days. Tone down the visual effects by going to "Control Panel/System", under the "Advanced" tab, and disabling them to free up valuable computing power.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP11=Old 16-bit applications often cause problems on current systems, where manual configuration can be the solution. Create a shortcut to the old 16-bit application, right-click on that shortcut and choose "Properties - Advanced". Check the option "Run in separate memory space".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP12=Whenever there is a crash or error, Windows saves a memory dump in a file called "MEMORY.DMP" under the installation directory (e.g. C:\Windows). This file can be deleted without a problem, to free up disk space.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP13=When using an alternative firewall solution, it is recommended to disable the Windows Firewall. To do this, go to "Control Panel - Network Connections", open up the connection you use and choose "Advanced - Internet Connection Firewall" (or "Windows Firewall" after SP2), and turn it off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP14=computer. Those who can do without this feature should go into "My Computer", right-click on the drive in question and choose "Properties". Here, you can simply uncheck the option "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP15=The Windows Vista test period can be extended from 30 days up to a maximum of 120 days. Log on as Administrator, and simply go to "All Programs - Accessories", and right-click on "Command Prompt". Select "Run as Administrator", then type in the command "slmgr.vbs -rearm". You can do this up to three times.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP16=Under Vista, the Power button is designed by default to put your computer in to sleep mode. If you want your computer to shut down the normal way, go to "Control Panel - Power Options - Change plan settings - Change advanced power settings - Power buttons and lid - Start menu power button” and select “Shut down”.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP17=When Vista is first installed, there is no "Run" command in the start menu. If you want to get this back, go to the Control Panel, choose "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties", go to the "Start Menu" tab, click "Customize...", find and check the option "Run command" and then click OK, then OK again.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP18=Windows Vista has a feature where you can have all of your open applications displayed as a 3D selection to flip through on your desktop, as long as your computer has the necessary graphics power. You can turn this "Flip 3D" mode on and off by pressing [Windows Key] + [TAB].
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP19=When you first open Windows Explorer in Vista, the menu bar is missing. It only appears when you press the [ALT] button. If you prefer to have the menu bar there at all times, though, you can go to "Organize - Layout" and check "Menu Bar" to have it permanently available.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP20=Under Vista, the REAL Administrator account is disabled after installation. However, you can enable it again by going to "Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Local Users and Groups - Users - Administrator". After enabling, you will have to reboot the computer for the Administrator account to be available for use.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP21=Windows XP has a command that lets you verify and restore critical system files if necessary. Type in the command "sfc /scannow" under the "Start - Run". Windows XP will check through the system files and automatically replace any damaged files (it might ask you to insert the Windows CD when doing this).
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP22=By reducing visual effects, you increase the available computing power for other programs. If you go to "Control Panel - System", under the "Advanced" tab, you can influence the system performance (top "Settings" button). All options that you can do without under the list of "Visual Effects" will free up processing power when you turn them off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP23=To check whether your Windows XP version has been activated, type in the command "C:\windows\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" under "Start - Run". In the window that opens, you should see the message "Windows is already activated. Click OK to exit."
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP24=Windows can significantly slow down its own start as it searches for shared files, folders and printers. In Windows Explorer, you can go to "Tools - Folder Options - View" and disable the feature "Automatically search for network folders and printers".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MAINMENU_TIP25=Windows XP has an internal boot optimization function that can be enabled or disabled from the Windows registry. Under the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Dfrg / BootOptimizeFunction", you can enable this feature with "Y" or disable it with "N".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_DC1=Clean hard disk | Delete history
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_MODULE_DC2=Edit file and folder exceptions
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_REALLYDELETE_CONTEXT=Are you sure you want to permanently destroy the%CRLFselected objects? This CANNOT be undone!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_NONE=Select a process to learn more about that process here.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_NORMAL=There is no further information available for this process, since it is not a known system process. Click on "Details" to learn more about this process.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SVCHOST=Services are run in this system process. It is normal to have more than one process running under the this name, which can be managed under the computer services.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_IDLE=Strictly, this is not an actual process. It describes how much of the CPU power is NOT being used by real processes (how much of the CPU is idle). The higher the idle percentage, the more CPU power is available.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SYSTEM=This is a critical process in which most kernel threads are run.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_EXPLORER=Windows Explorer, the desktop and the taskbar are run under this process.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_ALG="Internet Connection Sharing" (ICS) and the "Internet Connection Firewall" (ICF) are run under this process.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_CSRSS=This critical process must be always running. It is part of the Win32 subsystem and is responsible for the user mode.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_LSASS=This critical process is responsible for authenticating users to the Net Logon service.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SERVICES=This critical process manages all Windows services and the starting/stopping of services. Even all "svchost.exe" processes are managed by this process.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SMSS=This critical process is the session manager, which is responsible for starting user sessions.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SPOOLSV=This critical process is responsible for managing printer and fax jobs.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_WINLOGON=This critical process manages all user logons and logoffs.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_DWM=This system process is responsible for displaying the "Aero" interface, animations and effects under Windows Vista.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_LSM=This critical process manages the sessions of all logged on users under Windows Vista.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_MSASCUI=This process is the user interface of "Windows Defender".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SIDEBAR=This process draws and manages the Windows sidebar.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_TRUSTEDINSTALLER=This critical process is required under Windows Vista for checking, installing and modifying updates. This process also protects critical system files from being overwritten.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SLSVC=This critical process manages the download, installation and use of copy-protected files. This includes all Windows components and updates!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_TASKENG=Under Windows Vista, this process is responsible for tasks such as downloading updates, making backups etc. at specified times.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_WININIT=This critical process is absolutely essential to Windows Vista. This process manages various critical subsystems of vista.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SEARCHINDEXER=Under Windows Vista, this process makes sure that all files, e-mails and other data can be found rapidly using the search function.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_SEARCHFILTERHOST=This process is run by the Windows Vista indexing service for a short time, and then closes automatically.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_IEXPLORE=The web browser "Windows Internet Explorer" incorporated into Windows is run in this process.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_IEUSER=This process is started by the web browser "Microsoft Internet Explorer", and sets the security settings to "Medium".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_IEINSTALL=This process is started by the web browser "Microsoft Internet Explorer", and allows you to manage things such as the installation of ActiveX elements.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_INFO_WMIPRVSE=This system process processes WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) queries, which provide information on the system, event logs and much more.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_ASK_OPTIMALSERVICES=Are you sure you want to set all of the listed services%CRLFto their respective optimal start behavior?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_ASK_STANDARDSERVICES=Are you sure you want to set all of the listed services%CRLFto their Windows default start behavior?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_WPDBUSENUM=Enforces group policy for removable mass-storage devices. Only useful if you want to synchronize content on external devices (e.g. a USB stick) with Media Player.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_TABLETINPUTSERVICE=Allows pen and hands-free functions that are only useful for Tablet PCs. Therefore unnecessary for 99% of all users.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_WEBCLIENT=Allows applications such as "Microsoft FrontPage" to create web-based files. Therefore mostly only useful for website developers.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_DRIVEFAILED=It appears there is no valid disk inserted in the selected drive.%CRLFPlease select a different drive or insert a valid disk.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_NOTHINGFOUND=There were no restorable files found on this drive.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_NOTHINGSELECTED=You must select at least one file to be restored from the list.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_NOFOLDER=You must specify an existing, valid folder as the target folder.%CRLFRestored files will be saved to this folder.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_SURE_SAMEDRIVE=WARNING:%CRLFThe selected target folder is located on the same drive as the deleted files!%CRLFYou should at all costs select a target folder on a different drive!%CRLFOtherwise you run the risk of losing your deleted files forever!%CRLFIt can also lead to unpredictable errors. You should restore files to a different drive.%CRLFDo you really want to continue?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_NOTENOUGHSPACE=There is not enough free space on the target drive for your selected files!%CRLFEither deselect some files or choose a different target drive.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_ASK_OVERWRITEFILE=The file%CRLF%1%CRLFalready exists in the target folder! Do you want to overwrite the existing file?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_DONE_NOERRORS=%1 files were restored and copied to the folder:%CRLF%2%CRLFThe deleted files are still present on the drive.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_DONE_SOMEERRORS=%1 files were restored and copied to the folder:%CRLF%2%CRLFThe deleted files are still present on the drive.%CRLFBut %3 files could not be restored!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_DONE_ALLERRORS=None of the selected files could be restored!%CRLFEither the selected drive could not be read from, or the target drive could not be written to.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_CANT_RESTORE_ENCRYPTEDHERE=One or more of the selected files are NTFS encrypted.%CRLFThese files can *only* be restored to another NTFS partition.%CRLFHowever, the selected target drive is not NTFS formatted.%CRLFThe encrypted files cannot be copied to this drive.%CRLFDo you want to continue restoring the unencrypted files?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_STATUSBAR_NOSEARCHDONE=No search has been made yet. Click on "Select drive".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UNDELETER_STATUSBAR_SEARCHING=Searching for deleted files. Please wait...
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IS_ASK_DELETE=Are you sure you want to delete this restore point?%CRLF
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IS_ASK_RESTORE=Are you sure you want to restore to this restore point?%CRLFAll icons on the desktop will be moved to the positions remembered at this restore point.%CRLFThis can take several seconds. Your screen might flicker during this time.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IS_RESTORE_NOTHINGHERE=There is no restore point to restore to.%CRLFYou must first create a new restore point.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_BACKUPS_ASK_DELETE=Are you sure you want to delete the selected backup?
Form_WO4_PM.CheckBox_HideSystemProcs=Hide known system processes (for better clarity)
Form_WO4_PM.GroupBox_SelectedProcess=Selected process
Form_WO4_PM.Label_CurrentProc_PriStatic=Change priority to:
Form_WO4_RC.VirtualDrawTree_Backups=Module%CRLFDescription%CRLFSize%CRLFCreated on
Form_WO4_ST.VirtualDrawTree_Backups=Module%CRLFDescription%CRLFSize%CRLFCreated on
Form_WO4_TW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Backups=Edit backups of this module
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel40=This is a list of all backups this module has created.<br>Each backup is shown with the date and time of the changes that were made.<br>You can undo the changes that are stored in a backup or delete backups<br>to free up disk space.
Form_WO4_TW.VirtualDrawTree_Backups=Module%CRLFDescription%CRLFSize%CRLFCreated on
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.HTMLabel1=You can restore deleted files using this module.<br>When you delete a file, Windows will not delete it completely. It will only be labeled as a deleted in the file system, and no longer shown. All blocks (clusters) of he file will be marked by Windows as free, and can be overwritten at any time by other files. As long as none of the blocks of a deleted file have been overwritten, you can easily restore the deleted file. The more blocks that are overwritten, the less of the deleted file you can restore.
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.UniHTMLabel1=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Drive=Select drive on which to search for deleted files
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.UniHTMLabel_WorkHeader=Searching for deleted files. This could take some time - please be patient. You can abort the search at any time.
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.HTMLabel_ListeHeader=Select all files you want to restore. Then select a folder to copy the files to and click on "Restore". You can choose more options by right-clicking on a file.
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.UniHTMLabel2=Here you can specify additional settings.<br>New users should not change these settings.<br>Changes only become effective when you restart the search.
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.CheckBox_DontShowLost=Do not show files that are mostly lost
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.CheckBox_DontShowZeroBytes=Do not list out files with 0 bytes
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.CheckBox_DontShowIcon=Hide file icons in the list (for better speed)
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.GroupBox2=Folder structure
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.UniHTMLabel5=Normally when restoring files, all folder structures are also restored and appropriate subfolders<br>created. You can disable this behavior if you only want to restore a few files and there are<br>no duplicate filenames.
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.CheckBox_IgnoreFolderStructures=Ignore folder structure when restoring
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.UniHTMLabel4=The selected, deleted files are now being restored. This could take some time - please be patient. You can abort the search at any time.
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.TntLabel2=Progress, total:
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.TntLabel4=Progress, current file:
Form_WO5_UNDELETER.PopUp_UnmarkAll=Uncheck all files
Form_WO4_IS.HTMLabel1=With Icon Saver, you can save the positions of all icons on the desktop, and restore these positions if desired. This can be useful if there is ever a crash, or if Windows reorganizes the icons on the desktop after installing new display drivers.
Form_WO4_IS.UniHTMLabel1=Choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_IS.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Liste=Edit restore points for desktop icons
Form_WO4_IS.NikiSTButtonGDIP_RestoreLast=Restore to last created restore point now
Form_WO4_IS.CheckBox_ShowList=Show the list of restore points on next program start
Form_WO4_IS.HTMLabel2=You can create restore points that memorize the position of all desktop icons. Once created, you can recall a restore point to position all desktop icons the way they were at the time it was created.
Form_IS_New.UniHTMLabel1=<b>Name of the restore point</b><br>You can give the new restore point a meaningful name.<br>This will be the name that appears in the list.
Form_WO4_ST.Button_Dienste_Optimal=All to optimal
Form_WO4_ST.Button_Dienste_Standard=All to default
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_STATUS_SCANNINGDRIVE=Scanning the drive's folder structure
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_STATUS_FILTERING=Analyzing the drive's folder structure
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_DC_STATUS_FREEMEM=Analyzing the drive's files
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_INSTALLERPATH=Installer points to missing folder:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RC_DESC_GROUP_INSTALLERARP=Installer entry "%DisplayName" points to missing file:
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_SURETO_AUTO=Are you sure you want to optimize the system settings automatically? This doesn't apply to all setting.%CRLFThis can increase speed and security.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_SURETO_SECURITY=Are you sure you want to optimize the system settings for heightened security? This doesn't apply to all setting.%CRLFThis can increase your system's security - but might reduce system speed.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TW_ASSISTENT_DONE_NIX=The system settings are already modified accordingly. Therefore, no settings have been changed.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel_Drives_Cache_Desc=Here you can adjust settings for various caches. This can have an effect on system performance. Inexperienced Users should therefore not make any changes here.
Form_WO4_TW.GroupBox_FilenameCache=Cache for file positions
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_FileNameCache1=Windows should determine cache size
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel41=By default, Windows reserves 512KB for file system operations. Depending on available system memory, a higher value can increase performance.
Form_WO4_TW.RadioButton_IOPageLockLimit1=Windows should determine cache size
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel42=Here you can adjust settings for the controversial User Account Control (UAC). This important security feature nags many users with persistent dialog boxes. These settings are only available on Windows Vista.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel43=<b>Warning:</b><br>Deactivating the User Account Control is a security risk!<br>Furthermore, some applications may no longer run correctly.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Vista_EnableLUA=Use User Account Control (UAC)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Vista_PromptOnSecureDesktop=Show UAC prompts on secure (darkened) desktop
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Vista_ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin=Give administrators permission to "Continue" automatically
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Vista_ConsentPromptBehaviorUser=Give normal users permission to "Continue" automatically
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel44=Here you can adjust settings concerning the appearance of Windows Vista. This also pertains to the "Aero" interface. These settings are only available on Windows Vista.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Vista_DeleteableRecycleBin=Recycle Bin icon can be deleted from desktop
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Vista_Aero_AnimationsShiftKey=Show animation effects in slow motion
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Vista_Aero_EnableMachineCheck=Check graphics card for "Aero" glass interface
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel45=Here you can adjust settings for Windows Vista's integrated "Windows Mail". These settings are only available on Windows Vista.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_WindowsMail_NoSplash=Show splash screen on launching Windows Mail.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_WindowsMail_ShowAdvMailSend=Show blind copy (BCC) field when composing e-mail
Form_WO4_TW.TntGroupBox31=Window title
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel46=You can set a custom window title for Windows Mail. Deactivate the option to restore the default window title.
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_Firefox_network_prefetch_next=Prefetch links to reduce loading time
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_FireFox_browser_tabs_opentabfor_middleclick=Open link in a new tab on middle click (otherwise open a new window)
Form_WO4_TW.CheckBox_FireFox_browser_urlbar_hideGoButton=Hide the "Go to" button next to the address bar
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel48=Here you can adjust setting for the free web browser "Mozilla Firefox". These setting pertain to the browser's performance and handling. These options are only available if Firefox is installed.
Form_WO4_TW.UniHTMLabel49=Here you can adjust setting for the free web browser "Mozilla Firefox". These setting pertain to the browser's performance and handling. These options are only available if Firefox is installed.